Spring 2021 Virtual Major Fair
March 15, 2021 @ 3PM CST
The Spring 2021 Virtual Major Fair
So, you have successfully completed the first semester at Tennessee State University. What are the next steps? We can help you with a way forward!
Please join us at the Major Fair to receive information from our well-versed faculty members in the various degree programs offered at TSU.
To register for the Major Fair, please visit tnstateu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1zvS2FknzK8VHFQ
Complete our Exit Survey for a chance to win a prize!
Fair Events
Join the Zoom meeting at zoom.us/j/95738403672?pwd=ZVhjZENLOFd2b0JDbXdQcjYvUkVZZz09
Meeting ID: 957 3840 3672
Passcode: 106169
Meeting ID: 983 9706 3612
Meeting ID: 892 2112 8700
Passcode: 177440
Meeting ID: 845 6449 0440
Passcode: COETSU
Meeting ID: 934 8277 9986
Passcode: 672979
Meeting ID: 935 1088 2314
Passcode: Major Fair
Meeting ID: 896 0299 7472
Passcode: 510747
Meeting ID: 946 6526 5121
Passcode: 038114