Dr. Phyllis Flott

Associate Professor



Office: K428

Phone: (615) 963-7135

Email: pflott@tnstate.edu



Personal Academic Credentials Research
Curriculum Vitae



Dr. Flott's current research interests include the Relationship Between Bankruptcy and use of Differed Deposit Services, Ethical Issues Related to Fringe Banking, and Location Patterns of Deferred Presentation Companies in Nashville.

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Academic Credentials

Ph.D.,   University of North Texas,  Texas,  Organizational Theory and Policy,  1996

M.B.A.,   Emporia State University,  Emporia, Kansas,  1986

B.S.,   Emporia State University,  Emporia, Kansas,  Accounting,  1984

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Refereed Articles 

Zottarelli, L., Sunil, T.S., Shilpashri, K., & Flott, P. (2012).  College student adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic: a study of two Texas universities in Fall 2009.  Preventive Medicine, 55 (5), 497-9.  

Hurst, C. S., Kungu, K., & Flott, P. (in press, 2012).  Stress, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, and Coping: Comparisons Among Plateaued and Non-Plateaued Employees.  Business and Management Research, 1 (3).  

Flott, P. (2011).  The Unintended Consequences of Developmental Courses.  Journal of Learning in Higher Eduation.   

Refereed Proceedings

Hurst, C. S., Kungu, K., & Flott, P. (in press, 2012).  Don't Forget The Non - Plateaed! Some Insights on Stress, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Coping".  Academy of International Business - US Northeast Chapter (AIBNE).  

Flott, P. (in press, 2012).  Controlling Research Misconduct, Normal Misbehavior and Error.  Intellectbase International Consortium

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers 

Flott, P. (2008). Pet Travel Directories: Business Models and Strategies.   International Academy of Business and Public Adminstration Disciplines, Dallus, Texas.

Flott, P. (2008). Crisis in a Complex System: The 2007 Pet Food Recalls.   International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Dallus, Texas.

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Curriculum Vitae

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