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IRB Educational Requirements

Effective August 15, 2015, all persons seeking IRB approval for research at Tennessee State University will be required to complete the TSU IRB required training course.  Please review the following steps in their entirety: 

Step 1:  Click the following link for the CITI Training Program website.

Step 2:  Upon access to the site you will be required to log in.  If new to the site, you will be required to register as a new user.  If previously registered, you must click Add a Course in the My Learner Tools for Tennessee State University 

Step 3:  Below the curriculum information section, continue to Question 1 and select the course that directly relates to your research project.  Once selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click submit.  The course will appear in your course menu and is now available to be taken.

An illustration of the previous steps is available in the following formats:  Video | PowerPoint 

This web-based course presents information about the rights and welfare of human participants in research and is designed for those involved in conducting research involving human participants.  It satisfies the NIH human subjects training requirement for obtaining federal funds. You will have the option of printing a certificate of completion from your computer upon completing the course.

The certificate of completion must accompany all IRB protocols which may be submitted in the form of a hard-copy or electronically.  E-mail may be forwarded to irb@tnstate.edu.

If you have any questions, please submit them to irb@tnstate.edu.

Effective August 15, 2015, the certificate of completion must be attached to all protocols for human subjects research before approval will be granted.