Research Faculty

Director, Center of Excellence for Battlefield Sensor Fusion

Amir Shirkhodaie


Amir Shirkhodaie, Professor
Director, Center of Excellence for Battlefield Sensor Fusion

Director, Intelligent Tactical Mobility Robotics Laboratory
Director, Intelligent Manufacturing Research Laboratory

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department
Tennessee State University (TSU)
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209

Tel: 615-963-5396

Academic Experience    
• Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, TSU, 2004-Present
• Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, TSU, 1999 - 2004
• Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, TSU, 1994 - 1999
• Research Assistant Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engr., University of Cincinnati, 1990 - 1994

• Ph.D., Research Assoc., Mechanical Engr., University of Cincinnati, 1985 - 1989
• M.S., Research Assistant, Mechanical Engr., Oklahoma State University, 1983 - 1985
• B.S., Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engr., Oklahoma State University, 1979 - 1983

Biographical Information
Dr. Shirkhodaie has over twenty years of experience in the area of multi-source multi-modality sensor data fusion. His areas of specialty include: sensory data and information fusion and distributed decision making and networking, world perception modeling, visual cue understanding and cognitive reasoning, computer vision, autonomous mobile robots control, man-machine interface, and machinery diagnostics and prognostics systems. In the past twenty years, he has worked as the PI of over fifty funded projects and assisted as Co-PI in more than a dozen other funded research projects. The funding organizations that he has worked with include: US Army Research Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Laboratory, Tyndall Air Force Robotics Laboratory, NASA/JPL, BWXT Y-12 Oak-Ridge, US Army TACOM, Penn State ARL, Oak- Ridge National Laboratory, Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Society of Manufacturing Engineering, and a number of other industry organizations. He is the director of Center of Excellence for Battlefield Sensor Fusion funded by the US Army Research Office and has extensively published his research works in various national and international refereed journals and conferences. He is the author of more than 90 papers.  He has advised research activities of more than fifty M.S. and Ph.D. students.  He has edited two text books in the robotics and artificial intelligence systems and organized a number of international technical conference sessions.

Research and Teaching
Dr. Shirkhodaie has conducted research in interdisciplinary areas, including: sensor data/information fusion, sensor networking, distributed decision making, persistent surveillance systems, cooperative robotics, UXO detection, recognition, and classification, telerobotics, computer vision, visual inspection and quality control, virtual reality, imagery video streams interpretation and semantic labeling, and machinery health monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics.  He is taught variety of mechanical engineering design, manufacturing engineering, and robotics courses in both undergraduate and graduate courses.



Shirkhodaie A., and B. Kalyankumar, “Multi-camera Multi-target Perceptional Activity Recognition Via Meta-data Fusion, presented in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, Target Recognition XXVII, 10646-28, Orlando, FL, April 16-19, (2018).


Shirkhodaie A., “Deep Learning of Group Activities From Partially Observable Surveillance Video Streams,” presented in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, Target Recognition XXVII, 10646-42, Orlando, FL, April 16-19, (2018).


Shirkhodaie A., Zhang, C., Borooshak L., Zhou, Y., Ahmadibeni, A., “Object Recognition and Tracking Based on Multiscale Synthetic SAR and IR,” presented in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, Target Recognition XXVII, 10646-43, Orlando, FL, April 16-19, (2018).


Shirkhodaie A., Zhou, Y., Borooshak Leila, “Multiscale Synthetic SAR and IR Imagery Features Generation in the Cluttered Virtual Environment,” presented in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, Target Recognition XXVII, 10646-44, Orlando, FL, April 16-19, (2018).


Shirkhodaie, A., and Chan, A., “Joint Object and Action Recognition Via Fusion of Partially Observable Surveillance Imagery Data,” in the 2017 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXVI, Anaheim, CA, April (2017).


Shirkhodaie, A., Telagamsetti, D., and Chan, A, Utilization-based Object Recognition in Confined Space,” in the 2017 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXVI, Anaheim, CA, April (2017).


Telagamsetti, D., Poshtyar, A., Shirkhodaie, A., Chan, A., and Hu Shuowen, In-Vehicle Group Activity Modeling and Simulation in Sensor-based Virtual Environment ,” in the 2016 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXV, Baltimore, Maryland, April (2016).


Poshtyar A., Shirkhodaie, A., Chan, A., and Hu Shuowen, “Skin Subspace Color Modeling for Daytime and Nighttime Group Activity Recognition in Confined Operational Spaces ,” in the 2016 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXVI, Baltimore, MD, April (2016).


Shirkhodaie, A., Chan, A., and Hu Shuowen, “Hand Gestures Recognition in Confined Spaces with Partial Observability and Occultation Constraints,” in the 2016 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, , Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXVI,  Baltimore, MD, April (2016).


Poshtyar, A., Elangovan, V., Shirkhodaie, A., A. Chan, and S. Hu, “Physical Environment Virtualization for Human Activities Recognition,” in the SPIE Defense   and Security Conference, Modeling and Simulation for Defense Systems and Applications X,
Baltimore, MD, April 20, (2015).


Elangovan, V., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Recognition of Human-Vehicle Interactions in Group Activities Via Multi-Attributed Semantic Message Generation,” in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Modeling and Simulation for Defense Systems and Applications X, Baltimore, MD, April 22, (2015).


Habibi, M. S., and Shirkhodaie, A., "Multi-attributed tagged big data exploitation for hidden concepts discovery", SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April (2014).


Elangovan, V., and Shirkhodaie, A., "Knowledge discovery in group activities through sequential observation analysis", SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April (2014).


Alkilani, A., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Acoustic events semantic detection, classification, and annotation for persistent surveillance applications”, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April (2014).


Shirkhodaie, A., Elangovan, V., Habibi, M. S., and Alkilani, A., “A Decision Support System for Fusion of Soft and Hard-sensor Information Based on Latent Semantic Analysis Technique”, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2013.


Elangovan, V., Bashir, A., and Shirkhodaie, A., “A Multi-attribute Based Methodology for Vehicle Detection & Identification”, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2013.


Elangovan, V., Alkilani, A., and Shirkhodaie, A., “A Multi-Modality Attributes Unmasking Scheme for Group Activity Characterization and Data Fusion”, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), Seattle, WA, June 2013.


Alkilani, A., and Shirkhodaie, A., "Acoustic Recognition of Human-Object Interactions in Persistent Surveillance Systems", SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2013.


Elangovan, V., and Shirkhodaie, A., “A Robust Technique for Group Activities Recognition Based on Fusion of Extracted Features in Video Streams”, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2013.


Habibi, M. S., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Mining Patterns in Persistent Surveillance Systems with Smart Query and Visual Analytics”, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2013.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “ Team activity analysis and recognition based on Kinect depth map and optical imagery techniques “, SPIE 2012 Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, Conference: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXI, Paper number 8392-30, April 23, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “ Recognition of human activity characteristics based on state transitions modeling technique “, SPIE 2012 Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, Conference: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXI, Paper number 8392-43, April 23, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Amjad Alkilani, and Amir Shirkhodaie, “ A survey on acoustic signature recognition and classification techniques for persistent surveillance systems “, SPIE 2012 Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, Conference: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXI, Paper number 8392-28, April 23, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Mohammad Habibi, and Amir Shirkhodaie, “A Survey of Visual Analytics for Knowledge Discovery and Content Analysis, “ SPIE 2012 Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, Conference: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXI, Paper number 8392-27, April 23, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “Human Activity Discovery & Recognition based on State Transitions Modeling in Persistent Surveillance Systems,” submitted to SPIE Electronic Imaging Science and Technology Conference, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems VI, 22 - 26 January 2012, San Francisco, CA.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “Adaptive Characterization, Tracking, and Semantic Labeling of Human-Vehicle Interactions via Multi-modality Data Fusion Model,” submitted to SPIE Electronic Imaging Science and Technology Conference, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems VI, 22 - 26 January 2012, San Francisco, CA


Amir Shirkhodaie, “Perceptual Semantic Labeling of Human-Vehicle Interactions (HVI),” 2nd Annual Human, Light Vehicle and Tunnel Detection Workshop, May 3-4, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Amir Shirkhodaie, “Semantic Labeling of Human-Vehicle Interactions Via Acoustic Events Characterization and Inference,” 2nd Annual Human, Light Vehicle and Tunnel Detection Workshop, May 3-4, 2012, Baltimore, MD.


Vinayak Elangovan, Haroun Rababaah, Amir Shirkhodaie, “Acoustic Semantic Labeling and Fusion of Human-Vehicle Interactions,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion and Target Recognition XX, April 25, 2011, Orlando, FL.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “Context-based semantic labeling of human-vehicle interactions in persistent surveillance systems,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, Visual Information Processing XX, April 26, 2011, Orlando, FL.


Vinayak Elangovan, Amir Shirkhodaie, “A survey of imagery techniques for semantic labeling of human-vehicle interactions in persistent surveillance systems,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, April 25, 2011, Orlando, FL.


Vinayak, E., Shirkhodaie, A., and Rababaah, A., “Context-Based Semantic Labeling of Human-Vehicle Interactions in Persistent Surveillance Systems, 13th International Conference on Information Fusion, 26-29 July 2010 EICC Edinburgh, UK.


Rababaah, H., Shirkhodaie, A., “Semantic Labeling of Non-Stationary Vehicular Acoustic Events in Persistent Surveillance Systems,” 13th International Conference on Information Fusion, 26-29 July 2010 EICC Edinburgh, UK.


Rababaah, H., Shirkhodaie, A., "Twitter web-service for soft agent reporting in persistent surveillance systems" in Cyber Security, Situation Management, and Impact Assessment II; and Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security II, edited by John F. Buford, Gabriel Jakobson, John Erickson, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7709, 2010. 


Shirkhodaie, A., Rababaah, H., "Multi-layered context impact modulation for enhanced focus of attention of situational awareness in persistent surveillance Systems, " in Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2010, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7710, 2010.


Rababaah H., Shirkhodaie A., “Energy Logic (EL): A Novel Fusion Engine of Multi-modality Multi-agent Data/Information Fusion for Intelligent Surveillance Systems,” SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Orlando, April. 17-20, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Rababaah H., "Cognitive Tagging and Adaptive Perception Grouping: A New Concept for Soft and Hard Targets Profiling and Sense Making in Persistent Surveillance Systems," SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Orlando, April. 17-20, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Rababaah H., Shirkhodaie A., “Soft Adaptive Fusion of Sensor Energy (SAFE) in large-scale sensor networks,” in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, April. 17-20, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Rababaah H., Shirkhodaie A., "Fusion-Oriented Multi-Target Tracking and Localization for Intelligent Surveillance Systems," in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Mar. 17-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.


Sarfaraz, M., and Shirkhodaie, A., and Mitra, A., “Performance Analysis of Ultra-Wideband Antennas for Microradar Applications,“ in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Orlando, April. 17-20, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Rogers, T., Shirkhodaie, A., Mitra, A., “Distributed Sensor Concepts for Perimeter Surveillance and Vehicle Classification, “ in the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Orlando, April. 17-20, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Saed Amer, Haroun Rababaah, and Shirkhodaie Amir, “UXO Detection and Characterization Using Vision-based Robotic Systems,” at the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XIII, paper number: 6953-24, March 17-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.


Shirkhodaie Amir., Tunstel, Edward, “Rover Traversability Assessment Via Visual Sensing of Spatial and Textural Terrain Image Features, “ Journal of Soft Computing for Space Autonomy IASC-SCSA-07 Journal, 2007.


Shirkhodaie Amir, "Mobile Robots Traversability Awareness Based on Terrain Visual Sensory Data Fusion,” in the SPIE Defense and Security 2007 on Unmanned Systems Technology IX, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Rababaah Haroun, and Shirkhodaie Amir, “ Human-Posture Classification for Intelligent Visual Surveillance Systems,” the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security, March 17-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.


Rababaah Haroun, and Shirkhodaie Amir, “ A Survey of Intelligent Visual Sensors for Surveillance Applications,” in the IEEE Sensor Application Symposium (SAS), February 6-8, 2007.


Viangteeravat Teeradache, and Shirkhodaie Amir, and Rababaah, Haroun, “Acoustic Signature Analysis and Data Fusion of Vehicles Based on Acoustic Sensor Arrays,” in the SPIE 2007 Defense and Security Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XVI, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Viangteeravat T., and Shirkhodaie A., and Rababaah, H., “Multiple Target Vehicles Detection and Classification Based on Low-Rank Decomposition,” accepted for publication in the SPIE 2007, Defense and Security Conference on Automatic Target Recognition XVII, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Maysam Sarfarz, Amir Shirkhodaie, "A Survey of Atennas for Ultra-Wideband Applications, " the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Radar Sensor Technology XII, Paper #6945-15, March 17-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.


Rababaah H., and Shirkhodaie A., “ Fusion-based Multi-Target Tracking and Localization for Intelligent Visual Surveillance Systems”, the SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Sensors and Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence Technology, pp #6943-39, March 17-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.


Rababaah H., and Shirkhodaie A., Soft Adaptive Fusion of Sensor Energy for Large-Scale Sensor Networks (SAFE) , 16-18 April 2007, San Antonio, TX, USA.


Viangteeravat T., and Shirkhodaie A., Multiple Target Vehicles Detection and Classification with Low-Rank k Matrix Decomposition,” International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, April 16-18, 2007 - San Antonio, TX.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Dubeck J., “Fault Diagnostic of Bearing via Physics-Based Modeling Techniques,” 18th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-07), May 29-31, 2007, Nashville, TN.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Bearing Rotor-System Modeling and Faults Prognosis,” 18th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-07), May 29-31, 2007, Nashville, TN.


Mgaya, R., Zein-Sabatto, S., Shirkhodaie A. and Chen W., “Vehicle Identifications Using Acoustic Sensing,” IEEE SoutheastCon 07 Conference, Richmond, AV, March 22-25, 2007.


Shirkhodaie A., "Mobile Robots Traversability Awareness Based on Terrain Visual Sensory Data Fusion,” in the SPIE Defense and Security 2007 on Unmanned Systems Technology IX, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Rababaah H., and Shirkhodaie A., “ A Survey of Intelligent Visual Sensors for Surveillance Applications,” in the IEEE Sensor Application Symposium (SAS), February 6-8, 2007.


Viangteeravat T., and Shirkhodaie A., and Rababaah, H., “Acoustic Signature Analysis and Data Fusion of Vehicles Based on Acoustic Sensor Arrays,” in the SPIE 2007 Defense and Security Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XVI, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Viangteeravat T., and Shirkhodaie A., and Rababaah, H., “Multiple Target Vehicles Detection and Classification Based on Low-Rank Decomposition,” accepted for publication in the SPIE 2007, Defense and Security Conference on Automatic Target Recognition XVII, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Chen W., Islam A.K.M.M., Malkani M., Shirkhodaie A., Wada K., and Zein-Sabatto, M., “An Efficient Broadcast/Multicast Protocol for Dynamic Sensor Networks,” Workshop on Advances on Parallel and Distributed Computational Models in 21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, March, 2007.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Rababaah, H., “Visual Detection, Recognition, and Classification of Surface-buried UXO Based on Soft-Computing Decision Fusion,” accepted for publication in the SPIE 2007, Defense and Security Conference, April 9-13, Orlando, FL, 2007.


Shirkhodaie, A. , "Soft-Computing-based Terrain Visual Sensing and Data Fusion For Unmanned Ground Robotic Systems," in the SPIE Security and Defense Conference, April 17-21, Orlando, FL, 2006.


Shirkhodaie, A., Amrani R., and Tunstel, E., "Visual Terrain Perception Modeling of Space Planetary Robotic Systems Based Soft Computing Classifiers," in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, August 13-15, 2005, Nashville, TN.


Shirkhodaie, A., Amrani R., and Tunstel, E., "Soft Computing for Visual Terrain Perception and Traversability Assessment by Planetary Robotic Systems," in the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Oct. 10-12, 2005, Hawaii, USA.


Garga, A., Shirkhodaie, A., "Task Decomposition and Re-planning for Robotic Autonomy," the NASA Ames RoboSphere 2004 Conference, San Jose, CA, November 9-11, 2004.


Shirkhodaie, A. , Amrani, R. Devgan T., and Tunstel, E., "Intelligent Visual Terrain Sensing Skills of Planetary Mobile Robots," the NASA Ames RoboSphere 2004 Conference, San Jose, CA, November 9-11, 2004.


Shirkhodaie, A. , Amrani, R., Tunstel, E., "Visual Terrain Mapping for Traversable Path Planning of Mobile Robots," at the Optics East Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, SPIE Vol., 5608, October 25-27, 2004, Philadelphia, PA.


Amrani R., Chawla N., Vicks, T. Shirkhodaie, A., "Traversable Terrain Modeling and Performance Measurement of Mobile Robots," in the 2004 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop, held at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, on August 24 - 26, 2004.


Shirkhodaie, A. , "Visual World Perception Modeling and Control of Cooperative Mobile Robots," in the proceeding of the 2003 SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, October 28-29, Rhodes Island, PP 5267-11.


Amrani, R., Shirkhodaie, A., “Visual Traversable Path Planning of Mobile Robots,” at the 10th International Conference on Robotics and Remote Systems For Hazardous Environments, March 28-April 1, Gainsville, FL 2004.


Singh, N., Shirkhodaie, A., ”Cooperative Man-Machine Interface (CORMI) For Telerobotic Applications,” at the 10th International Conference on Robotics and Remote Systems For Hazardous Environments, March 28-April 1, Gainesville, FL 2004.


Dubeck, J., Shirkhodaie, A., "Physics-Based Modeling of Bearing Based on Finite Element Modeling Technique," in The 2003 Winter Annual International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Rd & D Expo, November 17-21, Washington DC, pp. IMECE 2003-42500.


Blair, J., Heard, K., Shirkhodaie, A., “Failure Diagnosis In Rotary Dynamic Systems Based On Finite Element Prediction Model," in The 2003 Winter Annual International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Rd & D Expo, November 17-21, Washington DC, pp. IMECE 2003-42501.


Blair J., and Shirkhodaie A., "Bearing Fault Identifications Using Agent-based Data Mining and Numerical Visualization Techniques, "in the 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Nov. 11-16, 2001, New York, NY.


Avalareddy N., Rangavajhala S., and Shirkhodaie A., "Communication Based Tactical Mobility Planning of a Group of Mobile Robots," in the 33rd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, March 19-21, 2001, Athens, Ohio.


Walker K., and Shirkhodaie A., "Development of a Virtual Environment for Fault Diagnosis in Rotary Machinery," in the 33rd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, March 19-21, 2001, Athens, Ohio.


Rangavajhala Sirisha, and Shirkhodaie A., "Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots for Target Tracking Applications Based on Laser Sensory Data Fusion," in the Proceeding of IEEE South East Conference, March 19, 2001, Athens, Ohio.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Santharan, P., “Model-based Expert System for Fault Diagnosis and Prediction in Rotary Machinery,” at National Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Conference, November 1999.


Shirkhodaie, A., Goetz R., Patkar, A., Mansour M. Aderogba, S., and Avalareddy N., “Behavior-Based Tactical Navigational And Mobility Control of Tandem Ground Robotic Vehicles”, in review for publication in the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 2000.


Shirkhodaie, A., Goetz R., “Behavioral Control of Tandem Robotic Vehicles Under an Integrated Supervisory Mobility,” in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, April 2000.


Aderogba, S., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Navigation and Visual-Terrain Tracking of Multiple Mobile Robots With Vision and Sonar Using Neural Network Techniques,” in the IMCC’2000 International Manufacturing Conference in China,“ August 16-17, 2000, China.


Mansour, M., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Navigational Behaviors Fusion for Multi-Agent Intelligent Tandem Mobile Robots,” in the 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation International Conference on Manufacturing Systems” Innovation for the 21st Century, Ann Arbor, MI, July 23-26, 2000.


Avalareddy, N., and Shirkhodaie, A., “Communication-based Tactical Task Planning of Cooperative Tandem Mobile Robot Vehicles Under an Intelligent Supervisory Mobility Controller,” in the 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation International Conference on Manufacturing Systems” Innovation for the 21st Century, Ann Arbor, MI, July 23-26, 2000.


Patkar, A., Shirkhodaie, A., “Tactical Maneuverability Control of Tandem Mobile Robotic Vehicles Using a Fuzzy Logic-based Controller”, in review for publication in the 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation International Conference on Manufacturing Systems” Innovation for the 21st Century, Ann Arbor, MI, July 23-26, 2000.


Shirkhodaie, A., Dubeck, J., and Garga, A., “Bearing Fault Diagnostics Using Physics-based Finite Element Modeling Technique”, in the 53rd meeting of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, Virginia Beach, VA, April 21-24, 1999.


Dubeck, J., Shirkhodaie, A., and Garga, A., “Physics-based Modeling and Diagnosis of High-Performance Bearings”, in the Maintenance and Reliability Conference, MARCON’99, Gatlinburg, TN, May 10-12, 1999.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Muthuswamy, K.,”A Comparative Study on Performance of Neural-Networks for Condition Monitoring of Rotary Machinery,” in the 52nd Meeting of the Society of Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, March 30-April 2, 1998.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Subramanian, S., “Fuzzy-Logic Assisted Bearing Faults Diagnosis,” in the 52nd Meeting of the Society of Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, March 30-April 2, 1998.


Srinivasan S., Budruzzaman, M., Shirkhodaie, A., and Malkani, M., “LabVIEW Program Design for On-line Predictive Maintenance,” in the 30th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST’ 98), West Virginia University, Morgontown, WV, March 8-10, 1998.


Shirkhodaie, A., ”Advances on Health Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis and Prognosis of Machinery,” in the Sixth Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference of Iran Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tehran, Iran, May 10-15, 1998.


Shirkhodaie, A., Subramanian, S., Muthuswamy, K., “A Hybrid Neural Network-Fuzzy Logic Fault Diagnostic Technique For Bearings Condition-Based Maintenance” submitted for presentation in the 1998 SAE Advances in Aviation Safety Conference and Exposition, Daytona Beach, Florida, April 6-8, 1998.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Anthony Johnson, “A Technique for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance of Mechanical Systems Using Motor Current Signature Analysis,” The Engineering & Architecture Symposium Workshop and Exhibition, Prairie View, TX, 1997.


Shirkhodaie, A., Subramanian, S., Mann, L., “An Fuzzy-Expert System For Bearing Selection, Failure Causes, and Cures,” in the EPRI, the Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance Conference, Chesterfield, Missouri, September 8-9, 1997.


Shirkhodaie, A., and V. Challagolla, “Cartesian Control of a Robot Arm For Obstacle Avoidance Using Genetic Algorithms,” The Engineering & Architecture Symposium Workshop and Exhibition, Prairie View, TX, 1997.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Neural-Based Visuomotor Coordination of Robotic Systems”, in the OAI Neural Network Symposium and Workshops, Wright Patterson Air Force Base and NASA Research Center, August 21-22, 1995.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Autonomous Motion Planning of Intelligent Robots Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Ruled-based Control System”, in the 1995 Engineering and Architecture Symposium, Prairie View, TX, Jan., 15-18, 1995.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Computer-Aided Design and Modeling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, in the 3rd International Conference in Electrical Engineering, Iran, May 15-18, 1995.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Intelligent Manufacturing Robotic Systems”, the 1994 Japan-U.S.A Symposium on Flexible Automation, Raleigh Japan, October 10-13, 1994.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Intelligent Manufacturing Robotic Systems”, the 1994 Japan-U.S.A Symposium on Flexible Automation, Raleigh Japan, October 10-13, 1994.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Simulation and Modeling of Sensor-based Robotic Systems”, the 1994 RI/SME Fifth World Conference on Robotics Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 27-29, 1994.


Shirkhodaie, A., “Design and Evaluation of Virtual Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Applied Mechanisms and Robotic Conference, Arizona, 1993.


Shirkhodaie, A., Tanasi, G., “FMCell: A Software for Design and Evaluation of Virtual Flexible Robotic Manufacturing Systems”, Applied Robotics and Mechanisms Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 7-10, 1993.


Shirkhodaie, A., Unsal, S., and Soni, A. H.,” Non-Parametric Decision Theoretic Approach to Object Recognition With a New Tactile Sensor Array”, the 4th Conference on Flexible Assembly Systems, Tempe, Arizona, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., Soni, N., and Soni, A. H., ”Collision-Free Path Planning of Autonomous Robots Using Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) via Artificial Transformation”, the 4th Conference on Flexible Assembly Systems, Tempe, Arizona, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., Soni, N., and Soni, A. H., ”Collision-Free Path Planning of Autonomous Robots Using Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) via Artificial Transformation”, the 4th Conference on Flexible Assembly Systems, Tempe, Arizona, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., “A Control Strategy for Task Planning of Coordinating Robots”, The 1st IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Dayton, Ohio, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., “A Control Strategy for Task Planning of Coordinating Robots”, The 1st IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Dayton, Ohio, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., “A Control Strategy for Task Planning of Coordinating Robots”, The 1st IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Dayton, Ohio, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., Akcadag, C., and Soni, A. H., ”Computer Control of a Flexible Robotic Cell”, the 4th Conference on Flexible Assembly Systems, Tempe, Arizona, September, 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., Gupta, S., and Soni, A. H., ”Generation of Surface Model of 3D Objects From Their Wire-Frame Models”, the 4th Conference on Flexible Assembly Systems, Tempe, Arizona, September 13-16, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “RT-TAS: a Simulation Package for Concurrent Programming of Multiple Robot Arms”, the 20th Biennial ASME, Trends, and Development in Mechanisms, Machines, and Robotics, 1992.


Shirkhodaie, A., Lee S., Sathyadev, D., and Soni, A. H. ”Flexible Assembly Systems” Opportunities & Challenges”, the 2nd National Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Nov., 3-6, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991.


Shirkhodaie, A., Sathyadev, D., and Soni, A. H., “Type Synthesis of Space Mechanisms”, the 2nd National Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “Redundancy Compensation in Control of Multiple Arms”, the 2nd National Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “An Approach for Kinematic/Dynamic Redundancy Control of Multiple Coordinating Robot Arms”, the 1989 ASME 1st Conference in Flexible Assembly Systems, Sept., 17-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Shirkhodaie, A.,”Control, Coordination, and Simulation of Multiple Robot Arms”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1989.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “An Efficient Technique for Parallel Force/Moment Distribution Between Coordinating Arms Handling a Common Object”, the 1989 ASME 1st Conference in Flexible Assembly Systems, Sept., 17-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “Manipulation and Simulation of Human-like Robot Hands With Coupled Joints”, the 1988 U.S.A.-Japan Symposium on Flexible Automation, Minneapolis, MN.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H. “Manipulation and Motion Synthesis of Robot Hands With Joint-Coupling Characteristics”, Oklahoma State University, the 10th Applied Mechanism Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1987.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H. “Manipulation and Motion Synthesis of Robot Hands With Joint-Coupling Characteristics”, Oklahoma State University, the 10th Applied Mechanism Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1987.


Shirkhodaie, A., Taban, A., and Soni, A. H., ”AI-Assisted Multi-Arm Robotics”, Proceeding of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, NC.


Shirkhodaie, A., and Soni, A. H., “RT-TAS: A Package for Real-time Coordinated Programming and Simulation of Two Robot Arms”, Oklahoma State University’s 10th Applied Mechanism Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1987.


Shirkhodaie, A., Taban, A., and Soni, A. H., “AI Integrated Coordination of Multiple Robot Arms”, The First Applied Robotics and Factory Automation Conference, St. Louis, MO., 1986.


Shirkhodaie, A., Taban, A., and Soni, A. H., “AI Integrated Coordination of Multiple Robot Arms”, The First Applied Robotics and Factory Automation Conference, St. Louis, MO., 1986.