Mr. Charlie Mphiwa Petros Mtshali

Research Associate

Mr. Charlie Mtshali picture



Department of Biological Sciences

College of Agriculture, Human & Natural Sciences


Contact Information:

Office Location: 210A McCord Hall
Telephone: 615-963-1369

Research Areas:

Trafficking of the cholinergic choline cotransporter in Limulus polyphemus, Mammalian cell culture


Most Significant Publications:

Johnson, A.L., Goode, G.D., Mtshali, C., Myles, E.L., Washington, B. 2007. Protein Kinase C- alpha/beta, delta, and zeta/lambda involvement in ethanol-induced MAPK expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) May 15;53(4):38-44.

Shaw, J.B., Cai, Q., Mtshali, C., Myles, E.L., Washington, B. 2007.  Heterogeneity of histamine H3 receptor genomic expression in the cerebral cortex of spontaneously hypertensive rat. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) May 15;53(4):45-50.

Edwards, C., Armstrong, P., Goode, G., Mtshali, C., Williams, S., Myles, E.L., Washington, B. 2007. Cross-talking between calcium and histamine in the expression of MAPKs in hypertensive vascular smooth muscle cells. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) May 15;53(4):61-6.

Washington, B., Williams, S., Armstrong, P., Mtshali, C., Robinson, J.T., Myles, E.L. 2006. Cadmium toxicity on arterioles vascular smooth muscle cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Dec;3(4)323-8

Washington, B., Mtshali, C., Williams, S., Smith, H., Li, J.D. Shaw, B., Gwathmey, J. 2003. Ethanol-induced mitogen activated protein kinase activity mediated through protein kinase C. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). Dec;49(8):1351-6.

Ivy, M.T., Newkirk, R.F., Karim, M.R., Mtshali, C., Townsel, J.G. 2001. Hemicholinium-3 mustard reveals two populations of cycling choline cotransporters in Limulus. Neuroscience 102(4):969-78.

Ford,B.D., Ivy, M.T., Mtshali, C., Townsel, J.G. 1999. The involvement of protein kinase C in the regulation of choline cotransport in Limulus. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. Jul;123(3):255-61.



B.Sc. (Ag). – University College of Swaziland

Date joined staff:  2000


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