Mrs. Melanie Gardner

Administrative Assistant III

Mrs. Melanie Garder picture











Department of Biological Sciences

College of Life & Physical Sciences


Contact Information:

Office Location: 110F McCord Hall

Telephone: 615-963-5752

FAX: 615-963-5747



Current Responsibilities:

Process travel requisitions and travel claims.

Prepare contracts for guest speakers and facilitate their visits.

Process service agreements for laboratory equipment.

Prepare summer faculty appointment forms.

Process faculty workloads.

Maintain financial records for the MARC program.

Order supplies through SciQuest.

Record and maintain minutes of departmental faculty/staff meetings.

Prepare and submit monthly and semi-monthly time sheets.

Respond to questions from students and prospective students.

Work directly with the department head, faculty and staff.


Past Work Experience:

Secretary III, University Advancement, Austin Peay State University, 1998-2005

Secretary II, Alumni Relations, Austin Peay State University, 1996-1998




B.S. (Business Education) – Austin Peay State University


Date joined staff: 2005

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