


Current National Science Foundation Grants

Other Funded Research

Research Teams

Theses and Dissertations

Curriculum Vitae

I primarily research the following core areas:

  • Career Development & Counseling, especially among STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Science) majors
  • Identity Development & Personality
  • Correlates of Mental Health issues

I also have an extensive publication, presentation, and funded grant history; these citations are listed in my CV. Additionally, I actively offer four research teams focusing on career development, personality, and program evaluation; a more thorough explanation is given in the "Research Teams" at the bottom of this page.

Current Grants Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)

NSF ECR Core Grant  - "Career Commitment and Retention in STEM: The Intersection of Professional Identity and Career Management Skills in Minority and Women STEM Students"

National Science Foundation Grant No. 1561584

Co- PI's - Dr. Artenzia Young-Seigler (biology), Dr. De'Etra Young (agriculture), and Dr. Bethany King-Wilkes (engineering)

Citation: Hammond, M.S., Hall, J., Hargrove, S., & Young-Seigler, A. (2016). Career Commitment and Retention in STEM: the Intersection of Professional Identity and Career Management Skills among Minority and Women STEM students. Three year, $1,500,000 National Science Foundation's EHR Core Research Grant.

Goal: To understand the career development needs of African American and Women STEM students.

More information is listed on the NSF's Award page here.

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HBCU-Up - "Career Commitment and Retention in STEM: Examining the Impact of a Career Management Intervention"

National Science Foundation Grant No. 1623145

Co-PIs: Dr. Elaine Martin (biology), Dr. Tom Broyles (agriculture), and Dr. Bethany King-Wilkes (engineering)

Citation: Hammond, M.S., Hargrove, S., Hall, J., & Martin, E. (2016). Broadening Participation Research: Career Commitment and Retention in STEM: Building the STEM Workforce. (Grant PI). Three year, $350,000 National Science Foundation's HBCU-UP Broadening Participation Research grant.

Goal: Refine the culturally-appropriate career intervention for African American STEM students which was developed and tested during previous award.

More information is listed on the NSF's Award page here.

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Other Major Awarded Grants

National Science Foundation Grants:

NSF HBCU-UP BPR (2012-2016):

A.  Citation:  Hammond, M.S., Hall, J., & Hargrove, S.  (2012). Supplemental Grant to the Broadening Participation Research:  Career Commitment and Retention in STEM:  Building the STEM Workforce.  (Grant PI).  Two semester, $420,000 National Science Foundation’s HBCU-UP Broadening Participation Research grant program.

B.  Goal:  To develop and test a culturally-appropriate career management intervention for African American STEM students.

NSF Grant Subcontract awards:

A.  Collaborator on HBCU-UP Center Planning Grant:

1.  Crumpton-Young, L.L., Rogers, T., & Hammond, M.S.  (2015).  The SEaRCH:  STEM Education Research Consortium at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s).  One-year, $400,000 National Science Foundation’s HBCU-UP Center Planning Grant.

2.  Goal:  to develop plan for a research center that will examine the individual factors, environmental factors, institutional practices, procedures, and policies are most effective in ensuring that students successfully complete STEM degrees at HBCUs.

B.  Collaborator:

1.  Favor, K., Anderson, S.G., Hammond, M.S., Hargett, S., Jackson, C., & Johnson, L. (2007).  HBCU Evaluators Consortium Planning Proposal.  (Site PI)Two-year, $200,000, six institution collaboration in planning grant from the National Science Foundation of which Tennessee State University received $23,000.

2.  Goal:  The goal is to diversify and build leadership in the field of program evaluation; as well as to strengthen evaluator skills in assessing STEM programmatic initiatives directed towards multiethnic and underrepresented populations.

C.  Subcontract under Research on Gender in Science & Engineering (2006-2009).

1.  Citation:  Hammond, M.S. (2006).  Project site under B. Kerr and K.D. Multon’s GSE/RES - Milestones and Danger Zones for Talented Women in STEM.  (Grant PI).  Three year, $500,000 National Science Foundation grant of which Tennessee State University received $57,514.  Institutional Collaborators:  University of Kansas & Arizona State University.

2.  Goal:  To test a model of women's persistence in science that incorporates the constructs of ability, privilege, and gender relations.

Tennessee Board of Regents'  Faculty Research Grant:

A.  Citation:  Hammond, M.S., Luke, C.  Michael, T. & Hartwig, M.  (2015).  At-risk and under-represented students’ decisions to withdraw:  Effects of personality, career, and developmental factors on intent to return.  One year, $40,000 grant funded by the TBR Faculty Research Grant program.  (funded).

B.  Goal:  To examine the role of personality, developmental, and career developmental factors in both under-represented minorities' and at-risk students' decisions to withdraw from college.

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Research Teams

I lead four research Teams.

STEM Career Development Research Team

This research is explained in more detail in the listed above.

Personality Research Team

The Personality Research Team focuses on increasing our understanding of and ability to respond to the impact of personality on mental health and the process of counseling and psychotherapy.  This team is exploring the intersection of culture, health disparities, and context, as played out in the manifestation of mental health symptoms as well as on the course and process of therapeutic intervention. Explicitly adopting the Five Factor Theory of Personality, we are currently exploring the relationship between personality and mental health symptoms in community-based settings in which class, race/ethnicity, gender, and other contextual issues play complicating roles.

Vocational Identity Research Team

The first question one is asked upon meeting new people is, essentially, “What do you do?”  Often, this refers to one’s work, studies, vocation, or job.  One’s identity as someone with a role to play in society is of great interest to others and important to one’s sense of purpose and well-being.  Most people have a “picture in their heads” about their purpose and role however, translating that into functional work roles, as well as adapting it during periods of change and adjustment (such as we are currently experiencing world-wide) can be difficult and stressful.  The Vocational Identity Research Team engages in research to explore the construct of vocational identity - dealing with issues of “work and love” – in order to provide theory and interventions that support the work of career counselors and vocational psychologists. Currently, we are working on publishing several articles from previous research efforts.

Evaluation Research Team

How does one know that a research study, program, service, or organization is achieving the results that it purports to achieve?  How do we know why it’s not achieving what it desires to achieve?  How do we engage in capacity building in a culturally complex world?  Helping individuals, groups, and organizations understand their processes and methods in a manner that facilitates their effective thinking about their work is the goal of the evaluator.  This research team is a new and evolving research team, developing in response to the increased need for culturally-competent program evaluators.  As a result, we are working in a variety of areas to facilitate the development of knowledge and theory in this relatively young field.  In addition to involving ourselves in service and service-learning projects for the university, this research team is working on publications and grant applications to fund further work in this area.

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Theses and Dissertation

I lead theses and dissertation research groups, supporting my students throughout the research process.  We meet in teams to offer support to fellow students, and to guide others along the process.  I am an active chair for psychology theses and dissertations, and also participate in committees as a member.  I am currently chairing five dissertations, and no masters theses.


Curriculum Vitae

Are you interested in exploring my publication, presentation, and grant citations? Download my CV here.

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webpage contact:
B. Christian