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CHMURA, DYLAN  Football  Offensive Line Coach    615-963-5094 
CRAIG, SHEMITHA  Boyd Hall  Temporary Help Non-Exempt    615-963-5037 
COMFORT, LADY  Women's Basketball  Assistant Coach 2    615-963-5034 
COATES, CARL  Athletic Restricted  Coordinator of Athletics    615-963-5034 
COTTINGHAM, MELODY  Title III Academic Support Restrict  Assistant Director    615-963-4999 
CLARDY, ARVAZENA  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Associate Professor    615-963-4887 
CHUNN, ASHANTI  Instructional Support Restricted  Assistant Director    615-963-2288 
CORNIEA, NICKOLAUS  Plan, Design, Constr  Interior Designer/Analyst    615-963-2264 
CHOI, YOUNGJAE  Architectural Engr  Assistant Professor    615-963-2262 
CALDERON, ANNMARIE  Institutional Effectiveness  Dir Of Institutional Research    615-963-2158 
COLLINS, SYDNEE  Counseling Services  Director, Unv. Counseling    615-963-2154 
CARPENTER, LAURA  Occupational Therapy  Department Chair    615-963-2152 
CARR, JACQUES  Title III Academic Support Restrict  Assistant Director of Tutoring    615-963-2142 
CRAWFORD, KIMBERLY  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Assistant Coordinator    615-963-1696 
COLLINS, JANICE  Ctr for Health Research Restricted  Project Coordinator    615-963-1669 
CUMMINGS, VANESSA  Records  Veterans Affairs Supervisor    615-963-1392 
COCKRILL, VICMARI  Women's Volleyball  Assistant Coach 1    615-963-1361 
CHAIRES, MARK  Criminal Justice  Asistant Professor    615-963-1236 
CAINE, ANTOINETTE  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Fiscal Manager    615-277-1645 
CAINE, KIAYA  Early Learning Ctr  Family Service Worker    615-277-1635 
CANNON, REGINALD  Research and Spons Programs  Director of Engagement&Visibil    615-277-1606 
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