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LEWIS, PERRY  Business Part-Time Faculty  Temporary Instruction-One Year    615-963-5542 
LOWE, ARIEL  First-Year Students  Academic Advisor    615-963-5531 
LI, JIANWEI  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Research Associate Professor    615-963-5527 
LIGHARI, LATIF  Extension Services Restricted  Associate Dean--Extension    615-963-5526 
LIGHTFOOT, CASEY  VP Business and Finance  Exe Dir. Fdn Fiscal Operation    615-963-5522 
LIN, SHOW-MEI  Teaching and Learning  Professor    615-963-5465 
LYNCH, ESTHER  Psychological Sciences and Counseli  Assistant Professor    615-963-5451 
LOU, WILLIAM  Civil and Envir Eng  Computer Lab Coordinator    615-963-5433 
LI, LIN  Architectural Engr  Interim Dean of College of Engineering    615-963-5401 
LONG, CAROLYN  TSU Police Dept  Operations Manager    615-963-5373 
LEWIS, CANDACE  Library  Head, Access Services Dept    615-963-5242 
LEMMA, ALEX  Parking Services  Parking & Traffic Officer    615-963-5171 
LAWRENCE, LEWIS  TSU Police Dept  Police Lieutenant    615-963-5171 
LEWIS, ERICA  Customer Relations  Assistant To Chief Operating Officer    615-963-5092 
LEHENBAUER, KARL  Office of Technology Services  Applications Director    615-963-5024 
LOCKHART, MICHAEL  Athletics  Assistant Track & Field Coach    615-963-5019 
LITTLE, JOSHUA  Communications  Instructor    615-963-4993 
LOCKRIDGE, WILLIAM  Teacher Ed Studnt Sv  Oper Director-Mens Basketball    615-963-4931 
LLOYD, BRANDON  Events Management  Assistant Director, Auxiliary Services    615-963-2906 
LI, BINGDONG  Information Technology  Chief Info Security Officer    615-963-2565 
LACY, RANDALL  Director Campus Center  Bldg Activities Supervisor-PT    615-963-2260 
LAWANI, ABDELAZIZ  Extension State Match 2019-21  Research Assistant Professor    615-963-1839 
LOWEN, BRITTANY  Academic Computing  Web Developer    615-963-1598 
LAMBERT, HEATHER  Extension Services Restricted  Program Assist/ Rutherford Cty    615-898-7710 
LEWINSON, ARIEL  Trio Programs Restricted  Administrative Assistant III    615-746-1 
LAIRD, RHONDA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Associate Director    615-277-1681 
LAIRD, AMY  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Coordinator    615-277-1664 
LAYNE-WATKINS, MISTY  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent II -Rutherford    615-254-7277 
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