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ISTAS, OSCAR  Student Success  Academic Enrichment Coordinator    615-963-2285 
ISABELL-BARBOUR, BARBARA  COE Information System Restricted  Assistant to VP of Research    615-963-2559 
IZADI, SELMA  Economics and Finance  Assistant Professor    615-963-5000 
ISENBERG, LEE  Aviation and Applied Technologies  Mechanical Engineering Technician    615-963-5425 
ILLUKPITIYA, PRABODH  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Associate Professor    615-963-5435 
IDOYE, PATRICK  Communications  Professor    615-963-5814 
INMAN, WENDELYN  Master of Science in Public Health  Professor    615-963-7328 
IVY, MICHAEL  Biological Sciences  Professor    615-963-7796 
IJATO, JAMES  Extension Services Restricted  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 

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 Laura Brown (phone: x1551)



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