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VAUGHN, LENETTA  TN Small Bus Dev Ctr  Administrative Assistant III    615-963-7179 
VAUGHN, S  Research and Spons Programs  Director of Research Managt.    615-277-1672 
VASSER, EBONY  Nursing Education  Administrative Assistant IV    615-963-5252 
VAN DYKE, JOSEPH  Music  Associate Professor    615-963-5348 
VAUGHN, MICHELLE  Library  Library Assistant 3    615-963-5228 
VANDERPOOL, KERRI  Head Start Prog Operations Rest  Teacher    731-644-7195 
VERCHER, TANAKA  Financial Aid  Director    615-963-5701 
VICTOR, RAQUEL  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent III / Rutherford Ct    615-963-1351 
VOGEL, ERIC  Educational Admin  Professor    615-963-5470 
VATRAL, CALEB  Computer Science  Assistant Professor    615-963-5852 
VERCRUYSSE, KOEN  Chemistry  Associate Professor    615-963-5340 
VENKATRAMAN, SANTOSH  Bus Info Systems  Professor    615-963-7315 
VORHIS, VICTORIA  Aerospace Studies  Administrative Assistant III    615-963-5931 
VIERA, GRECIA  Accounting and Payroll  Assistant Dir. Of Grants    615-963-5215 

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To request changes to the directory, please submit your changes to:
 Laura Brown (phone: x1551)



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