Program Listing
Academic Boot Camp and Excel-O-rate Programs
May 31 - June 27, 2014
The TSU Academic Boot Camp is a rigorous four-week residential program allowing incoming freshmen, already admitted to TSU, to earn academic credit. Students receive quality instruction, individualized tutoring, and computer technology training. Upon completion of the program, students will have completed three (3) credit hours to apply toward their major field of study upon enrolling at TSU in the Fall. (The Academic Boot Camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Floyd Payne Bldg. in the Forum.)
Cost: $100.00.
Contact Person: Sedric Griffin (615) 963-2593 E-mail:
sgri ffin 0 1 @tn
TSU Prospect Football Camp
June 1, 2014
The Tennessee State University Prospect Football Camp will be held Sunday, June 1st in Memphis, TN. The camp will consist of numerous events in which you will be evaluated against other campers. This is the first opportunity for you to make an impression on the coaches at Tennessee State University. We hope to see you in June as you showcase your skills in front of Head Coach Rod Reed and the rest of his coaching staff. (This camp will meet in Memphis, TN. Location TBA) Cost: $25
Contact Person:
Natasha Plant (615) 963-7562
n p lant@tn state.ed u
World Music Expressions through Song, Rhythm & Rhyme
(One-week commuter program for grades 5-8)
June 2 –6, 2014
Students sing, play, create and perform with voice and Orff Instruments. Students explore music literacy relationships, Orff Schulwerk techniques and instruments, and then explode with Performance Artistry Skills! Songs, rhythms, and rhyming approaches from throughout the world that are used in our world’s music are part of this experience, providing students with avenues and tools for creating their own expressions. Classes meet daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a Friday, June 6 performance at 5:30 p.m. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Music. The cost of $150 for the week includes lunch and snacks. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus for registration in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
*In collaboration, a five-day, half-day in-service workshop component is available for practicing teaching professionals at no cost. Space is limited to 12 teachers.
Contact Person:
Margaret Campbelle-Holman (615) 876-9024 E-mail:
College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Sciences
Summer Apprenticeship Program
June 2 –27, 2014
(A four-week residential program for rising HS seniors/recent HS graduates)
Recent high school graduates who have applied to Tennessee State University or high school students going into their senior year are candidates for this program. Each student is assigned to a faculty-mentor from the College of Agriculture, Hu- man an Natural Sciences. Students are exposed to the research work of their facul- ty-mentor. The students are required to complete a mini-research project and pre- sent the findings at the end of the program. Group activities including lectures, demonstrations, and field trips are planned for each Friday. (This program will
meet on TSU main campus in the Farrell-Westbrook Complex—the Barn.)
Cost: There is no cost to participants. Contact Person:
William Hayslett, (615) 963-5438 E-mail:
TSU Summer Success Institute
(Five-week program for high school sophomores, juniors, seniors and fresh- men Admitted to Tennessee State University)
June 2—July 2, 2014
The Summer Success Institute is a TSU community outreach program designed to enhance students’ skills in English, math, reading, test taking, and study skills utilizing a learning community approach. The program provides the ACT Prep Class for high school sophomores and juniors. Students are equipped with the necessary tools required to improve their ACT/SAT scores or to successfully com- plete their initial test-taking attempt. For graduating seniors who are being consid- ered for admission to TSU and who have an ACT subscore of 12 or less in at least two areas, the ACT Prep provides them with the tools needed to improve their scores. For graduating high school seniors who have been admitted to TSU with subscores of 13-17 in English, 13-18 in math, and/or 13-18 in reading, the Summer Success Institute offers the College Prep, which provides the tools needed to en- hance the students’ skills and improve their placement upon entry into TSU. (The orientation for the Summer Success Institute will be held on the TSU main campus in the Student Success Center Auditorium, room 230.) Classes will meet in the Student Success Center in the Reading and Math Centers.
Cost: $100
Contact Person:
Johnanna Grimes, (615) 963-5580 E-mail: (/or)
Sharon Bradley, (615) 963-5521 E-mail:
Youth Empowerment/College Access Now Program
June 2 – July 25, 2014
“Reaching for the S.T.A.R.S. Summer Camp 2014”
(This is an eight-week commuter program for high school students.)
This summer, the YEP: College Access Now (C.A.N.) Program will host “Reach for the S.T.A.R.S" Summer Camp that is committed to providing teens (Ages 13- 18) with exposure to healthy lifestyles, good character and citizenship and striving for academic success. Participants will engage in cooperative learning in the areas of nutrition, finance, post-secondary education, career development, wellness and community service activities throughout the Metropolitan Nashville area. Students will also engage in personal development opportunities, as well as develop their creativity and cultural awareness skills, gain knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing. (This program will meet
on TSU main campus from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily in Holland Hall, Room
Cost: $50.00 (Subject to change) – includes Summer Camp T-shirt, field trip fees, daily lunch and snacks
Contact Person:
Shirley Nix-Davis, (615) 963 - 1243 E-mail: sn ixd avi@tn state.ed u
Charmin Bates, (815) 671-8038 E-mail: ch arb ates. yep c an @g mail . co m
TSU Repair Fest
(Two-day in-service commuter workshop for Middle/HS band directors)
June 3 - 4, 2014
This invitational workshop is an intensive, hands-on experience in band instrument repair with special emphasis upon emergency repairs to keep instruments playing when they break just before a performance. The Repair Fest is intended fro working middle and high school band directors. Also included is instruction in cork, pad, and solder work. Space is limited. Offered through CAMA by TSU’s Department of Music. (This workshop will meet on TSU main campus in the basement of Elliott Hall.)
Cost: There is no cost.
Contact Information: Music Department, (615) 963-5341
TSU Prospect Football Camp
June 6, 2014
The Tennessee State University Prospect Camp will be held Saturday, June 6th at Tennessee State University. The camp will consist of numerous events in which you will be evaluated against other campers. This is the first opportunity for you to make an impression on the coaches at Tennessee State University. We hope to see you in June as you showcase your skills in front of Head Coach Rod Reed and the rest of his coaching staff. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Football In-Door Practice Facility.)
Cost: $25
Contact Person:
Natasha Plant (615) 963-7562 E-mail:
TSU Prospect Football Camp
June 8, 2014
The Tennessee State University Prospect Football Camp will be held Sunday, June 8th in Chattanooga, TN. The camp will consist of numerous events in which you will be evaluated against other campers. This is the first opportunity for you to make an impression on the coaches at Tennessee State University. We hope to see you in June as you showcase your skills in front of Head Coach Rod Reed and the rest of his coaching staff. (This camp will meet in Chattanooga, TN. Location
TBA) Cost: $25
Contact Person:
Natasha Plant (615) 963-7562
n p lant@tn state.ed u
Upward Bound
June 8 – July 18, 2014*
(Six-week residential program for high school students grades 9-12)
Students receive instruction in core curriculum courses and are exposed to experi- ences that broaden their understanding of and appreciation for the fine arts. Through the course of the program, students are in an environment that promotes the development of values and attitudes conducive to productive citizenship and lifelong learning. (This program will meet on TSU main campus in Holland Hall, Suite 233, 2nd Floor.)
*Dates pending Metro Nashville Public Schools end date for the 2013-2014 school year.
Cost: None
Contact Person: Victoria Hayes, (615) 963–7461 or 1251
E-mail: v mcg ee@tn state.ed u
Fun, Arts, and All That Jazz
June 9 - 13, 2014
(One-week commuter program for ages 6-11)
Give your child a head start in the world of music! Children will participate in fun activities that introduce them to reading music, improvisation, performing, jazz history, music terminology, and music analysis. You might be wondering how do we relay this information to elementary students? Easy, by incorporating concepts like singing, playing, movement, and visual arts. This Class meets daily from 8:00am to 5:00 pm concluding with a Friday performance (5:30pm). The cost of $150 for the week includes lunch and snacks. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center)
Contact Person : Jazmin Ghent, (256) 617-0258 or (615) 963-5356
Rod Reed Lil’ Tiger Football Camp
June 9-13, 2014
The Rod Reed Lil’ Tiger Camp is designed to provide participants (ages 6-14) with opportunities to develop and improve their football skills in a fun, safe and enjoya- ble atmosphere. Tennessee State University Head Coach Rod Reed, along with his staff will be on hand to instruct campers the fundamentals to help improve their football skills. The Tennessee State University Lil’ Tiger Camp will encourage each camper to develop new skills and achieve a new level of play and self- confidence. We hope to see you in June at our Lil’ Tiger Football Camp. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Football In-Door Practice Facili- ty.)
Cost: $135
Contact Person:
Natasha Plant (615) 963-7562
n p lant@tn state.ed u
RealSports Leadership Academy
June 9 - 20, 2014
(Four-week commuter program for high school students)
The RealSports Leadership Academy is designed to give junior and senior high school student athletes a head start in preparation for college by providing a clear vision of the expectations, knowledge and skills necessary for success. It is a pre- college program that emphasizes essential learning strategies, goal setting, time and task management, critical thinking, decision making, study and test-taking skills including ACT preparation. Mentoring workshops presenting successful professional athletic role models, athletic administrators and coaches are signifi- cant parts of this program. RealSports Leadership Academy, Inc., promotes the personal, cultural, social and leadership development of student athletes by provid- ing activities in the college environment that will contribute to their success. (This program will meet on TSU main campus in the Floyd Payne Building.)
Cost: There is no cost. Contact Person:
Barbara Murrell, (615) 804 - 6125 E-mail:
Safari Arts Day Camp
June 9 - 20, 2014
(Two-week commuter program for ages 4-17)
This is a program focused on African Arts Heritage through music, dance, drama, visual and literary arts. Students will move from one class to the next in age appropriate smaller sessions with breaks for lunch, snacks, games and play. Classes include African Rhythm and Dance, Orff Activities, Children's Choir, Arts and Crafts, African Stories and Authors, Creative Writing and Improvisational Acting. The classes will meet daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a Friday, June 20 performance at 5:30 p.m. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Music. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Lobby of the
Performing Arts Center.) Cost: The cost of $150/week ($300 total) includes lunch and snacks.
Contact Person: Roderic Bronaugh, (615) 963-5356
Engineering Concepts Institute – E.C.I.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2014
June 9 -July 3, 2014
Eligibility: 2014 Graduating High School Seniors (Note: To be considered, students must have a 2.7 or higher cumulative GPA and successful completion of Pre-Calculus or Calculus)
This four-week, residential, academic enrichment program will be held on TSU main campus. The objectives of E.C.I. is to stimulate the college experience, and to help prepare student participants for academic success, particularly in chemistry and math, in their first year of college. E.C.I is for graduating high school seniors, who have been accepted to attend TSU in the fall 2014, and who plan to major in an Engineering discipline—Aeronautical and Industrial Technology, Architectural, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Mechanical or Mathematical Sciences. The cost is $300.00 (nonrefundable). The College of Engineering will cover the cost of housing and meals for students selected for participation. Students will be exposed to basic scientific and engineering principals through projects, industry tours, coursework, and other experiential learning activities to increase their familiarity with engineering. All participants must complete a summer project, and at the conclusion of the Institute, the top three high-performing students will be eligible for scholarship support in their first year of college. Please access program application at engineering.
Contact: Person Ms. Dee Green, Director of Student Services, (615) 963-5879
College of Engineering Email:
National Summer Transportation Institute – N.S.T.I.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2014
June 9 – July 3, 2014*
Eligibility: Rising 10th – 12th Grade students (Note: To be considered, stu- dents must have successful completion of Algebra I)
This four-week, residential, academic enrichment program will be held on TSU main campus. The objectives of N.S.T.I. are to improve STEM skills, provide awareness to high school students about transportation careers, and to encourage them to consider transportation-related courses of study in their higher education pursuits. Students selected for this program will participate in enrichment and preparatory coursework in computing, mathematics and physics to introduce them to the discipline of engineering from a transportation perspective. Each week will cover a different aspect of transportation (AIR, LAND, AND SEA). Activities for summer 2014 will include hands-on labs, field trips and presentations by various employees of the Tennessee Department of Transportation. This program is ad- ministered by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) and funded by the Federal Highway Administration. Please access program application at
ww w .tnstate. e du/e ng in eeri ng
Cost: There is no cost.
Contact Person: Mrs. Genevieve Gayle Brinkley-Johnson, N.S.T.I. Program Coordinator, (615) 963-5421 Email:
b rin kgen 1 6 @gmail . c o m
June 16– 20, 2014
(One-week commuter program for 2nd - 5th grade students) Application Deadline: June 2, 2014 at 5:00 p.m./Late Registration fee $10.00
LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! READ! WRITE! is a visual literacy photography camp in which children will explore the world around them and combine photography with reading, written expression, and creative writing. Children will design photo-journals that embody such themes as self-portrait, family, friendship, careers, nature, and culture. Classes meet 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Limited to 25 students. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
Cost: $150 for the week ($10 late registration fee) includes lunch and snacks.
Contact Person: Jewell Parham (615) 963-1538 Email:
jep arh a m@tn state.ed u
Edward L. Graves High School Summer Band Camp
June 21 - 28, 2014
Tennessee State University's Aristocrat of Bands presents a week-long resident summer band camp for high school students. The camp focuses upon showmanship, musicianship and leadership preparing campers to be more impactful contributing members to their school band programs.
Cost: Cost is $375 for residential campers, $275 for non-residential. Contact Person: Melva Townsend, (615) 963-2525
CSI/ Mock Trial Camp
(One-week commuter program for 7th - 12th graders)
June 23 - 27, 2014
This camp will allow junior and high school students to explore the criminal justice process, the definition of crime, the mechanics of crime scene investigation and evidence collection, and the resulting procedures for arrest, prosecution, and the court process. Learning opportunities include a mock trial competition and the camp concludes with an analysis of forms of punishment. Ideal for students interested in Criminal Justice or Law. Classes meet 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Offered through the CAMA program by TSU's Department of Criminal Justice. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
Cost: $150 for the week includes lunch and snacks.
Contact Information: TSU Dept of Criminal Justice, (615) 963-5356
Summer Math Academy
July 6 - 19, 2014
(A two-week residential pre-college program for rising high school Soph- omores and Juniors Enrolled in the
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools)
The goal of the TSU Regents Summer Math Academy is to encourage high school student participants to envision themselves as college students and to provide them with the opportunity to explore careers in mathematics, science and related science and technology fields. The math curriculum is designed to demystify algebra and advanced mathematics, enhance attitudes toward mathe- matical science, and strengthen mathematical reasoning skills necessary to per- form well on college entrance examinations and in college level mathematics. This is a resident program and students are required to live on campus for the entire two-week program period. Eligible students must be rising 10th and 11th graders for the 2014-2015 academic year. Students from underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is Friday, May 23, 2014. (This program will meet on TSU main campus.)
Cost: This is a free program. Contact Person:
Dr. John Robinson, (615) 963-5762 E-mail:
jro b in son @tn state.ed u
Program information /application website: www. tn state.ed u /ma th acad emy
Pre-Engineering Program to Stimulate Interest in
Engineering (P.E.P.S.I.E.)
Application Deadline: April 15, 2014
July 21—25, 2014
Eligibility: Rising 9th – 11th Grade Students
This one-week commuter program will be held from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. daily on the main campus of TSU. The objective of P.E.P.S.I.E. is to pique the interest of high school students, by engaging in hands-on-projects including product design, manufacturing, robotics and aeronautics, in pursuing a college degree in an engi- neering discipline. All students will participate in refresher activities to enhance and promote learning skills, knowledge in mathematics and physics, and conclude with a final project. The cost is $30.00 (nonrefundable).. (Student participants should plan to arrive on the TSU main campus in the Torrence Bldg. parking lot at 8:00 a.m. daily.) Please access program application at
w ww . tnstate. ed u/
eng ine ering
Contact Person: Ms. Dee Green, Director of Student Services, (615) 963-5879
College of Engineering Email: d green 1 0 @tn state.ed u
High School Media Camp
(Two-week commuter program for 10th - 12th graders) Application Deadline: May 30, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
July 7 - 18, 2014
Students with a strong interest in the media field will enjoy this program that includes two weeks of media experience writing stories for print and on-line and producing radio and TV programs in state-of-the-art facilities. Grades 10-12 along with recent high school graduates are encouraged to apply. A two page, double- spaced narrative addressing your interest in the workshop is required. The camp runs from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. each weekday. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Communications. Registration fee of $200 covers the cost of lunch/project materials for the two-week period, and scholarships may be offered to students with the best narratives. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
Contact Person: Joseph Richie (615) 963-1582 E-mail:
MET Choral Camp
(Two-week commuter program for 2nd - 12th graders)
July 7 - 18, 2014
MET Choral Camp of Choral Arts Link, Inc. is a Singing Explosion of daily sessions using five choral ensembles with rehearsal decorum strategies based on Orff Schulwerk, Kodaly and classical choral techniques. MET choral strategies sharpen singer skills through daily critical thinking classes and informances. Sessions include community guest artists providing mini master classes to enhance performance expression. Classes meet daily from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for grades 4 - 12 and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for grades 2-3, concluding with a last day final performance. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Music in collaboration with Choral Arts Link. The total 2 week cost is $150 grades 4 - 12
and $100, grades 2-3. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus with
registration in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
Contact Person: Margaret Campbelle-Holman, (615) 876-9024
Musical Theater Day Camp
(Two-week commuter program for students ages 4-17)
July 14 - 26, 2014
These students will experience both on-stage and behind the scenes workings of the musical theater. Students will be grouped in age appropriate smaller sessions with breaks for lunch, snacks, games and play. Classes include rhythm and dance, theatrical activities, stage craft, stories, creative writing and improvisational acting. These classes will meet daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a theatrical performance on Saturday, July 26th at 3:00 p.m. Offered through CAMA by TSU's Department of Music and the Theater Area of the Department of Communications. The total two-week cost of $300 includes lunch and snacks. (This camp will meet on TSU main campus in the Lobby of the Performing Arts Center.)
Contact Person: Roderic Bronaugh, (615) 963-5356
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