Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Leaders (Online)


Major Instructional Leadership
Degree Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Concentration Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Leaders



Admission to the program requires the applicant to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university, an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or better on a 4.0 scale.

Applicants for the Non-licensure or Career and Technical Education Concentrations may be considered for conditional admission with a lower grade point average or MAT/GRE score. Non-licensure applicants whose grade point averages or standardized test scores are below those normally expected for admission, which may result in their admission being denied, may be given further consideration for admission to the M.Ed. program if the student provides the following: (a) an acceptable work record (a resume or curriculum vita), (b) three written recommendations indicating probable success in the program, and (c) a writing sample that will be scheduled through the department.

The student must remove conditional status in the first nine hours of graduate courses; failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program.  There is no conditional admission for licensure candidates.

All application materials must be submitted to the Graduate School by the deadlines below:

Fall Admission

  Open Enrollment

Spring Admission

  Open Enrollment

Summer Admission

  Open Enrollment

Major Field Core (15 Semester hours)

Program of Study


EDAD 5020

Philosophy and Introduction to Educational Administration          

EDAD 5030

Instructional Leadership   

EDAD 5200         

Human Resource Management 

EDAD 5640

Social Political Issues    

EDAD 5050

Educational Law


 Concentration (18 Semester Hours)

TELC* 5001 R50 

Adolescent Development                                              

TELC* 5003 R50 

Managing the Learning Environment                             

TELC* 5004 R50 

Survey of Exceptional Children                                      

TELC* 5005 R50 

Teaching and Learning with Technology                        

TELC* 5006 R50 

Teachers as Agents of Change                                     

EDAD 5090         

Assessment for Leaders                                               

*TELC stands for Teacher Education License C.                                                                                 

 Total Degree Requirement  33 hours

*Please see your advisor before registering for courses. Programs of study may vary dependent upon individual date of admission.


Candidates for the M.Ed. degree must take a minimum of 33 hours of course work, pass the comprehensive examinations. The program of study must be completed after nine (9) hours of coursework. All candidates must meet with their advisor prior to registration each semester.  Courses must be taken in order as determined by program requirements. All students must complete a Comprehensive Examination Application one semester prior to their intended examination date.  All applications must be approved by your academic advisor.  All examination dates can be located on the Graduate School Academic Calendar.

For More Information Contact:  Dr. Soala Dede, (615) 963-5304,    

Apply now

Important Resources

Graduate School

Tuition and Fees

Financial Aid

2021-2023 Graduate School Catalog

2019-2021 Graduate School Catalog

International Students

Apply for Graduate Assistantship






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Department of Educational Administration