Forms & Surveys


Filing a Discrimination or Harassment Complaint

The Office of Equity and Inclusion is responsible for ensuring the prompt, thorough, and fair investigation of complaints of discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, gender (including pregnancy), age, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation/gender identity, and veteran status are governed by Guideline P-080.

To report an incident of discrimination or harassment, please complete the Discrimination/Harassment Reporting Form.

Filing a Sexual Misconduct Complaint

Tennessee State University Sexual Misconduct Policy 6.6.4 prohibits sexual violence/assault, dating and domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking.

To report an incident of sexual misconduct, please complete the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.

Employee Self-Identification Disclosure

The Office of Equity and Inclusion is requesting that employees complete the Voluntary Employee Self-Identification Disclosure Form. Please note that employees are not required to complete the form.

You can send the form by e-mail to

Employees who seek reasonable accommodations for a disability should contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion. Please access the Reasonable Accommodation Form for more information and to begin the process. 

Personnel Transaction Forms and Resources

TBR Approval Process

Personnel Action Request Form (PARF)
TBR Form A-1 - Certification of Search Pool for Upper Level Administrative Vacancies
TBR Form A-2 - Approval for Appointment Recommendation



Student Climate Survey