DREAM Project

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Among Males

Seeing the need for continued encouragement among students toward their educational goals, the DREAM Project was created at Tennessee State. 

We focus on the end goal of increasing student retention among our male student population using effective, relational, and accountable male mentoring.

 Leadership, like energy, is neither created nor destroyed but simply transferred from one person to the next.  It is our hope that the leadership of some of TSU’s top male leaders on campus may be transferred to you through the congregation of this illustrious group of young men—the embodiment of the Talented Tenth.  Please accompany us on the path to greatness as we give you the tools necessary to create the visions and be the DREAM.


The Need:

Institutional and National Data 

47% of black male students graduated on time (in 4 years) from high schools in 2008 (Schott Foundation for Public Education, 2010).


Black men only made up 4.3% of students enrolled at institutions of higher learning (Harper, 2006; Strayhorn, 2010).


Across four cohorts of undergraduates, the six year graduation rate for Black men attending public colleges and universities was 33.3% compared to 48% for students overall (Harper, 2012). 








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Dream Project