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WADE, TAMMY  Head Start Prog Operations Rest  Mental Health/ Envir. Coordin    431-644-3470 
WEATHERSBY, BELVA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Program Director    615-277-1659 
WEBB, VANESSA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Fiscal Manager    615-277-1663 
WALSH, LISA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Registry & Trg Manager    615-277-1687 
WILSON, MIRANDA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Assistant Director Prof. Devlp    615-277-1697 
WILSON, KILEY  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent    615-574-9116 
WILLIAMS, CAITLIN  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Temporary Help Non Exempt    615-947-3950 
WILSON, PAULA  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Administrative Assistant IV    615-963-1351 
WHITEFIELD, KELSEY  Extension Services State Allotment  Extension Agent-Cumberland    615-963-1351 
WAGNER, INICE  TSU Police Dept  Lieutenant    615-963-1365 
WOOTEN, TIA  Boyd Hall  Assistant Director- Boyd Hall    615-963-1461 
WEBB, THURMAN  Psychological Sciences and Counseli  Associate Professor    615-963-1593 
WINFREE, DUSTIN  Occupational Therapy  Temporary Instruction-One Year    615-963-2016 
WALLS, CAMERON  Dir Of Residence Life  Assistant Hall Director    615-963-2033 
WILLIAMS, MARSHA  Lang and Literature and Phil  Temp Instruction    615-963-2049 
WALKER, CIERA  Customer Relations  Customer Relations Manager    615-963-2170 
WEBB, BRIDGET  Nursing Education  Assistant Professor    615-963-2289 
WANG, XIAOFEI  Biological Sciences  Professor    615-963-2541 
WALKER, STACEY  VP Student Affairs  Director of Veteran Affairs    615-963-4920 
WILLIAMS, VALERIE  Institutional Effectiveness Rest  Director of Assessment    615-963-4974 
WINN, JEWELL  International Affairs  Director of International Programs    615-963-4977 
WEATHERFORD, JASON  Information Technology  Computer Lab Technician    615-963-4990 
WHITNEY, JUSTIN  Lang and Literature and Phil  Assistant Professor    615-963-5000 
WASHINGTON, CHERYLE  Research and Spons Programs  Assistant Coordinator    615-963-5127 
WORD, TARYN  TSU Police Dept  Communication Operator    615-963-5170 
WILLIAMS, JOY  TSU Police Dept  Communications Operator    615-963-5171 
WHALEN, MARGARET  Chemistry  Professor    615-963-5247 
WILLIAMS, HEIDI  Lang and Literature and Phil  Assistant Professor    615-963-5303 
WILLIAMS, GREGORY  Student ID/Access Services  Coordinator    615-963-5311 
WAYU, MULUGETA  Chemistry  Assistant Professor    615-963-5338 
WANG, ZUFEN  Civil and Envir Eng  Assistant Professor    615-963-5421 
WILLIAMS, CELESTE  Teaching and Learning  Professor    615-963-5446 
WILLIAMS, LEAROTHA  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Professor    615-963-5513 
WILLIAMS, CASSANDRA  Extension Services Restricted  Purchasing Manager    615-963-5545 
WATSON, RICKEDA  Dental Hygiene  Clinical Supervisor    615-963-5581 
WOODS, LARRY  Criminal Justice  Professor    615-963-5592 
WILSON, SEANNE  Women's Center  Student Success Specialist-Academic    615-963-5621 
WILSON, CHARLES  Assoc VP Student Svc  Bldg Activities Supervisor-PT    615-963-5662 
WESTMORELAND, ANDRE  Vehicle Maintenance  Chief Mechanic    615-963-5700 
WINSTON, TAMEKA  Communications  Professor    615-963-5804 
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