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Annual Meeting
LACS-SHA meets each year in conjunction with out parent organization, the Southern Historical Association. Our panels cover a wider variety of topics and time periods related to Latin America, the Caribbean, American Borderlands and Frontiers, and Atlantic World history. A Kimberly Hanger Memorial Borderlands panel is given each year, and LACS also participates in Phi Alpha Theta sessions. We also hold a luncheon with an invited speaker each year.
Call for Papers

2014 LACS Call for Papers

SHA Meeting in Atlanta, GA
November 13-16, 2014

Deadline: October 1, 2013

The Latin American and Caribbean Section (LACS) of the Southern Historical Association welcomes individual paper and panel proposals for the 2014 SHA meeting in Atlanta, November 13-16, 2014. LACS accepts papers and panels on all aspects of Latin American and Caribbean history, including the fields of the borderlands and the Atlantic World. Panels and papers that highlight the connections between people, cultures, and regions are especially welcome.

Submissions should include a 250-word abstract for each paper and brief curriculum vitae for each presenter. We encourage faculty as well as advanced graduate students to submit panels and papers. Graduate students are eligible for the Ralph Lee Woodward Jr. Prize, awarded each year for the best paper presented by a graduate student in a panel organized by LACS.

Please note that the program committee may revise proposed panels. All panelists are required to be members of LACS. For information about membership, please visit the website at: or contact Matt Childs of the University of South Carolina at For more information about the Southern Historical Association, visit the website:

Deadline for submissions is October 1, 2013. Complete panels are appreciated, but not required. Submit panels and papers (with a preference for electronic submissions) to:

Justin Wolfe
Tulane University


See the Officer's page.

Established 1998
Last Modified 12/7/18