From: Mike Aspinwall <mike_aspinwall@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU>



Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 4:20 PM

Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Student Research Assistant in Global Change Ecology, USDA Grassland Soil and Water Research Lab, Temple, TX


Two student research assistant positions will be available in summer 2012 to assist with studies of the effects of global change on grassland ecosystems. The student will assist with several research projects studying the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide on native grassland productivity and diversity, the effects of precipitation variability on the productivity of native grasses used in bioenergy production, and the differences in productivity between diverse and monoculture grasslands. Duties will include field measurements of plants and soils, preparation of plant and soil samples for laboratory analysis, data entry, and maintenance of experiments. Work outdoors in heat and humidity will be expected. To be considered, students must have completed their sophomore year with at least a 3.0 grade point average overall and a 3.5 grade point average in math and science classes. Work will start no later than May 16.

To apply, send a letter of application, copy of current transcripts, and contact information for two references with firsthand knowledge of your classroom/laboratory science experience and aptitude. Send applications in electronic form only to: Dr. Mike Aspinwall, University of Texas at Austin, email:



Last Modified 7/1/23