Business Meeting
1. J. Barr opened the meeting
a. Noted the expansive nature of LACS (with the borderlands and the Atlantic World)
b. Noted the reorganization of the conference, which forced a short meeting
2. S. Johnson gave the SHA representative report for B. Ganson
a. SHA has established Kirby Prize for environmental history
b. The board discussed developing a bibliography for the Journal
c. J. Barr was nominated to the Journal board
d. SHA will raise rates
e. The OAH will provide a discount to SHA members
f. We have a record 10 panels - eight our own, the K. Hanger panel, and the Phi Alpha Theta panel
3. M. Childs gave the Treasurer's report
a. Noted that John Inscoe had apologized for all the problems at the conference
b. $7800 on hand - we have more money because of high membership
c. Membership (as of 10/24/11) - 98 members for 20122; 100 for 2010.
d. Membership up in part from large number of panel submissions
e. Our costs are only about $2000/year
f. We are pursuing electronic payment
4. S. Franklin gave the Program Committee report
a. We have five panels, plus the K. Hanger and Phi Alpha Theta
b. Across the board SHA is seeing a low number of submissions, including us
c. Many Caribbean submissions. Franklin encouraged submissions from other areas.
5. J. Barr announced the Macleod book prize winner: Richard Graham, University of Texas at Austin (Emeritus), Feeding the City: From Street Market to Liberal Reform in Salvador, Brazil, 1780-1860 (University of Texas Press, 2010)
6. J. Landers announced the Hanger article prize winner: Christina Bueno, Northeastern Illinois University, "Forjando Patrimonio: The Making of Patrimony in Porfirian Mexico," Hispanic American Historical Review 90:2 (May, 2010), 215-45
7. R. Brown explained the Woodward graduate student article presentation award, encouraged submissions. The 2011 winner was Courtney Campbell for "Inside Out: Intellectual Views on Northeastern Brazilian Regional Identity and Transnational Change, 1926-1952"
8. J. Barr opened the floor for Vice-Presidential nominations
a. The Executive Committee nominated T. Rogers
b. There were no other nominations
c. T. Rogers was elected by acclimation, with a show of hands
9. The luncheon speaker, J. Tutino, spoke on capitalism and patriarchy and took questions.
10. J. Barr turned the meeting over to the new President, B. Owensby
11. B. Owensby noted his desire to expand the role of LACS in the SHA
12. B. Owensby closed the meeting
SHA-LACS, 2011 Baltimore
Executive Committee Meeting
Attending: T. Corse, R. Brown, B. Ganson, J. Barr, J. Landers, S. Franklin, B. Owensby, M. Childs
1. Barr called the meeting to order
2. Barr called for the minutes of 201o to be approved; they were approved by acclimation.
3. Barr called for Vice-Presidential nominations
a. Brown suggested prize people, people who had provided service, such as on prize committee
b. Landers discussed the need to bring new people
c. A number of people were discussed; many names were suggested
d. Brown talked about bringing people into committees as first step in recruiting Vice-Presidents
e. A general discussion followed as to how it would be useful to bring in new schools, expand region or recruiting
f. Childs noted that we had a lot of colonialists as Vice-President, that a lot of our panels this year were colonial and Caribbean, and that we may need to expand topics if we are to bring in new people
g. There was a general discussion of conducting the election by e-mail
4. Childs gave the Treasurer's report
$7800 on hand - we have more money
because of high membership
Membership (as of 10/24/11) - 98
members for 20122; 100 for 2010.
c. Brown raised the issue of dues' Childs noted we only get to keep some of the dues, with a portion going to SHA
d. Landers noted that SHA was going to raise their dues after five years of not doing so
e. Childs suggested $30 regular, $15 for students
f. Owensby discussed the idea of electronic payment as easier and more likelt to get people to pay
g. Brown noted that SECOLAS is going to Paypal
h. Corse discussed lack of resources at TSU for website
i. Owensby suggested moving it to UVA
j. Childs noted Paypal setup would cost $1500; suggests we can afford it as we would have more members to recover costs, but important that membership person get data from Payal
5. Franklin gave the panel committee report
a. we will have eight panels with Hanger and Phi Alpha Theta
b. SHA is talking about doing more joint panels
c. Will be taking eight panels to propose in the meeting with SHA
6. Barr announced the prize winners
Book - Richard Graham, University of
Texas at Austin (Emeritus), Feeding the City: From Street Market to Liberal
Reform in Salvador, Brazil, 1780-1860 (University of Texas Press, 2010)
Article - Christina Bueno,
Northeastern Illinois University, "Forjando Patrimonio: The Making of Patrimony
in Porfirian Mexico," Hispanic American Historical Review 90:2 (May,
2010), 2
7. Ganson returned to the discussion of Paypal
a. Owensby suggested it would pay for itself
b. Childs noted that many LACS members were dual members, but he has no information on that; Paypal would help to solve that problem, would ease a lot of secretarial and accounting details
8. Brown suggested we would have to vote on a $5 increase in fees at the business meeting
9. Childs noted that our expenses are only about $2000 per year, that we don't need a lot of money sitting in the account because we are unlikely to have enough to set up an endowment
10. Ganson gave the SHA representative's report
a. SHA is very positive about LACS
b. SHA will create a new environmental history prize
c. Needed to push back on talk of interfering with our panels
d. SHA is using Facebook to increase membership
e. H-South wants a closer relationship with SHA
f. SHA will make more effort to reach out to HBCUs and community colleges
11. Owensby suggested we make a statement about immigration given that we will be in Mobile next year
a. Childs suggested getting a speaker related to the topic
b. Owensby suggested it would be good to pull in people who do Latino studies
c. Childs noted that book prize brings in some of those people
12. Childs suggested that given the large learning curve, we might want to think about a two-term for Presidents and Vice-President.
13. The meeting adjourned
Last Modified 7/1/23