LACS/SHA 2001 Meeting
1. Jurgen Buchenau, President, opened the meeting with a report on membership. The confusions over our joint membership arrangements with the SHA have been resolved. LACS members do not have to be members of SHA, which should make dues easier. Problems with check holding had been a result of the Treasurer�s illness. Check and membership forms should be sent to the Treasurer, Rosemary Brana-Shute.
2. Buchenau also reported on the status of the our treasury. Our funds are few, but we do have a bank account now.
3. The luncheon was not included in the report because it is now handled by SHA. It is important that people pay dues on time so that we can plan ahead. Please send in your pre-registration.
4.The Treasurer�s report was approved.
5. Time Henderson reported for the Program Committee. We received eleven proposals and chose six. Among the decision criteria:
6. The panels we chose covered the following areas:
7. Buchenau proceeded to conduct elections for President and Vice-President. Under our system we elect a Vice President. Last year�s Vice President becomes President-elect for the following year
8. Nominations � The Executive Committee nominated Tim Henderson for Vice-President. No other nominations were made, and Henderson was elected by unanimous voice vote.
9. Richmond Brown has been appointed to be our representative on the 2002 Baltimore SHA Program Committee.
10. The Executive Committee nominated Drew McMichael to be the LACS representative for the 2003 Houston SHA Program Committee. He was approved by a unanimous voice vote.
11. The Executive Committee has decided to make the term for the Graduate Representative three years. Josh Crane of USM has been selected. We need to decide what the Graduate Representative does.
12. Todd Diacon, President-elect, gave his report. Urged people to submit panels for Baltimore. Urged attendance at upcoming LACS panels.
13. Diacon announced that beginning next year LACS would start giving Ralph Lee Woodward prize for best paper. No financial reward will be given, but should look good on CV. The Program Committee will choose the winner.
Last Modified 7/1/23