Tennessee State University
College of Arts and Sciences

Course Prefix, Number, and Title

Instructor Data (Name, Office Location, Office Hours, Office Phone, and E-mail Address)

Course Description (Same as Current Catalog Description)

Course Purpose/Rationale

General Goals and Objectives

Course Audience (Who would be expected to take this course? What prerequisites must be satisfied for enrollment in the course?)

Attendance Policy (Must be consistent with policy in the current University Catalog) and Other General Course Requirements

Learning Resources

Instructional Methodology

Learning Competencies (Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:)

Evaluation Procedures for Each Learning Competency (How will student achievement of each competency be measured? What will constitute mastery of each competency?)

Course Schedule (Weekly topics/learning competencies to be covered along with readings, assignments, and examinations)

Grading Policy (What must the student be able to do to earn an A, B, C, or D in the course? What competencies must be mastered to earn an A, B, C, or D?)

Reference Materials

Last Modified 7/1/23