Program Faculty Responsibility


Program Faculty Responsibilities


A successful faculty-led program depends on the full attention and leadership of the faculty member. Faculty leaders are on
call 24/7 during the program and will be not only teaching but also managing other aspects of the program including student conduct, medical issues, etc. (even if using a third party provider). Therefore, the DIA and TBR strongly discourage family member participation or accompaniment on education abroad programs. Aligning to this policy clearly demonstrates to the students the importance of their learning experience and reinforces study abroad is not a vacation or family trip. 

Attend meetings called by DIA for the purpose of Faculty/Student Orientations. Two mandatory orientations are scheduled each year. Exact dates will be posted on the DIA website.

Fall semester : Recruiting and planning

Spring semester : Contract and onsite preparation along with student orientation


Communicate with the Program Director regarding plans for the onsite course. Examples of planning activities include:

  • Arranging a tentative location and schedule for class time while on location.
  • Planning and discussion of excursions for the program as well as for individual courses. Cost information should be provided to the Director for budgeting purposes.


Planning and discussion of possible on location speakers/lecturers and their cost information.

  • Recruit student participants.
  • Respond to student inquiries with accurate information regarding the application process as outlined on the DIA website.
  • Assist the Program Director as needed in disciplinary, safety and well-being issues for students while on location.
  • Be knowledgeable of the crisis management plan in case of an emergency.
  • Teach and assure the academic integrity of your course.
  • Be familiar with the laws and customs of the program’s host country.
  • Within one week after the program, submit all grades for students in your course.
  • Submit a program evaluation report to DIA at the conclusion of the program.

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