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RABBANI, SHOURAV  Computer Science Restricted  Temporary Research Associate    Unknown 
RACHEL, DAVID  Women's Track  Temporary Help Non-Exempt    615-963-5906 
RADFORD, WILLIAM  Facilities Management  Assistant VP; University Design & Construction    615-963-1350 
RAHMAN, MD  Extension Services State Allotment  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RAHMAN, MD. MASHIUR  Engineering Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RAKSHIT, SUDIPTA  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Research Associate Professor    615-963-6058 
RAMEY, IRIS  Development-Corporate Partnerships  Dir Corporate Rel & Foundation    615-963-5586 
RAMEY, TREVIAIR  TSU Police Dept  Police Officer I    615-963-5373 
RAPPAPORT, BROOKE  Psychological Sciences and Counseli  Assistant Professor    615-963-5000 
RASMUSSEN, LJERKA  Liberal Arts Part-Time Faculty  Associate Professor    615-963-5352 
RASSEL, S M SHAZZAD  Electrical Engr  Associate Professor    615-963-5401 
RAY, ACHINTYA  Economics and Finance  Professor    615-963-7347 
RAY, AVEDANANDA  Biology Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RAY, JOHN  Telecommunication Services  Financial Analyst 2    615-963-7653 
RAZA, MALIK  Women's Golf  Assistant Golf Coach    615-963-1855 
RECTOR, KATELYNN  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent 1 - Greene County    615-963-7885 
REDDY, CHANDRA  Dean of Ag, Human, Natural Sciences  Dean, College of Agriculture    615-963-7561 
REED, CHRISTINE  Business Admin  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
REED, JOSH  Mcminnville Nursery Crop Rsh Sta  Farm Supervisor-Sr.    931-815-5140 
REED, MARQUITA  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Associate Professor    615-963-5471 
REED, MICHAEL  Physics and Math  Professor    615-963-5856 
REED, RODERICK  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Dir Marketing & Communications    615-963-5680 
REEDER, TAYLOR  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent II/ Williamson    615-790-5721 
REEVES, KANE  Extension Services Restricted  Exten Agent II- Cnty Director    731-668-8543 
RELYEA, JOSHUA  Extension Services State Allotment  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RESCH, PAUL  College of Engineering Course Fee  Temporary Help Non-Exempt    Unknown 
RESPRESS, TRINETIA  Educational Admin  Interim Dean of Graduate Studies    615-963-5448 
REUSCHER, KIMBERLY  Extension Services Restricted  Assistant Professor; Animal Science    615-963-1828 
REZA, MD SHAHIN  Graduate Assistants  Graduate Assistant-Teaching    Unknown 
RICHARDS, HERALDO  Dean of Education  Associate Dean    615-963-5620 
RICHARDSON, JOQUEZ  Post Office  Postal Clerk    615-963-6633 
RICHARDSON, TRENNA  Nursing Education  Associate Professor    615-963-5267 
RICHIE, JOSEPH  Communications  Associate Professor    615-963-1582 
RICHMOND, JASMEN  Extension Services Restricted  Program Assistant    901-752-1207 
RICKETTS, JOHN  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Professor    615-963-7620 
RICKS, NAFIS  Title III Instructional  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RIDDLE, JENNELL  Office of Equity & Inclusion  Temporary Help Exempt    615-963-7435 
RIGGS, HEATHER  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Research Assistant 1    Unknown 
RIJAL, AAKRITI  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
RINGER, ANDREA  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Associate Professor    615-963-5471 
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