About Me

Sachin Shetty, Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tennessee State University
224D Torrence Hall
Nashville, TN 37209
Phone: (615) 963-2160
Fax: (615) 963-2165
Email: sshetty AT tnstate.edu

Resume:      Adobe Reader    pdf

My Education:

Ph.D. (2007) Modeling and Simulation, Old Dominion University
M.S. (2002), Computer Science, University of Toledo
B.S. (1998), Computer Engineering, Mumbai University, India

I came to Nashville in July 2009. Prior to that, I was an assistant professor with the ECE Department, Rowan University and  a graduate student_at  Old Dominion University. I am also an affiliate member of the Wireless Communications and Networking Lab.

Personal Interests


webpage contact:
Sachin Shetty